…to the official website of the Peatland Restoration Guide for Crofting Communities. The Guide comprises an extended FAQ on peatland restoration and its financial pathways, a Booklet (12 pages) and an Executive Summary (4 pages) (follow pdf links below) that both summarise key messages from the FAQ. In addition, a Glossary offers further explanations of relevant terms. The Guide is the result of an 11 month project that explored community priorities in relation to peatland restoration in rural Scotland, funded by the St Andrews Interdisciplinary Research Support scheme from the University of St Andrews. We hope this guide serves as a benchmark resource for crofters, landowners and public bodies to assist in community governance of and decision-making around peatland restoration. If you have questions, comments or feedback, please get in touch via the contact form below or by writing to [email protected].
…gu làrach oifigeil Iùl Ath-leasachadh Mòintich do Choimhearsnachdan Croitearachd. Anns an Iùl tha FAQ leudaichte mu ath-leasachadh talamh mòintich agus a shlighean ionmhasail, Leabhran (14 duilleag) agus Geàrr-iomradh Gnìomha (5 duilleagan) (lean na ceanglaichean pdf gu h-ìosal) a tha a’ dèanamh geàrr-iomradh air na prìomh theachdaireachdan bhon FAQ. A thuilleadh air sin, tha Beag-fhaclair a’ tabhann tuilleadh mìneachaidh air nithean a tha buntainneach. Tha an Iùl mar thoradh air pròiseact de aon mhìos deug a rannsaich prìomhachasan co-cheangailte ri ath-leasachadh talamh mòintich ann an sgìrean dùthchail Alba, maoinichte le sgeama Taic Rannsachaidh Eadar-chuspaireil Chill Rìmhinn bho Oilthigh Chill Rìmhinn. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi an iùl seo mar ghoireas agus slat-tomhais do chroitearan, uachdarain agus buidhnean poblach gus cuideachadh le riaghladh agus co-dhùnaidhean coimhearsnachd mu thimcheall ath-leasachadh talamh mòintich. Ma tha ceistean, beachdan no ais-fhiosrachadh agaibh, feuch gun cuir sibh fios tron fhoirm conaltraidh gu h-ìosal no le sgrìobhadh gu [email protected].
Updates, February 2024:
Executive Summary:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBooklet:
If you would like a printed copy of the resources for distribution or for personal use, please email us using the contact form below.
Nam bu mhath leibh lethbhreac clò-bhuailte de na goireasan fhaotainn airson an sgaoileadh no cleachdadh pearsanta, cuiribh post-d thugainn a’ cleachdadh an fhoirm gu h-ìosal.
Contact Form/Foirm Conaltraidh:
Let us know if you found these materials helpful, if you have suggestions for amendments or updates, or anything else! We’d love to hear from you.
Innsibh dhuinn ma fhuair sibh na stuthan seo cuideachail, ma tha beachdan agaibh a thaobh atharrachaidhean no ùr-fhiosrachadh, no nì sam bith eile! B’ fhìor thoigh leinn cluinntinn bhuaibh.