Below are detailed responses to frequently asked questions around topics associated with peatland restoration and financial pathways to funding it. Underlined words are further explained in the Glossary.

Why restore peatland?

How do I finance peatland restoration?

What about carbon credits?

What does the future hold?

What does this mean to me as a Crofter?


Category ConditionEmission factors (tCO2e/ha/yr)Avoided emissions through category change (tCO2e/ha/yr)
Actively Eroding23.84N/A
Table 1. Avoided emissions, dictating carbon credits available, resulting from transitioning between different peatland condition categories, as defined by the Peatland Guide Field Protocol v1.2 (2022).

Eligibility Criteria:Description:
Peatland typeEligible peatlands must be blanket, raised bog or fenlands (latter added in v2.0). For crofters, the vast majority of peatlands within common grazings are blanket bogs.
Peatland depthA minimum of 75% of the project area must have a peat depth of 50cm or deeper (i.e., ≥75% of the peat depth measurements recorded within the project area must be ≥50cm).
Peatland conditionPeatland condition must be ‘actively eroding’ or ‘drained’ according to the Peatland Guide Field Protocol v1.2.
DurationThe project must be able to enter a minimum contract of 30 years. However, projects are more often longer than 80 years, up to a maximum of 100 years.
AdditionalityProject must demonstrate ‘additionality,’ i.e., there must be no legal mandate to restore the peatland and it must require carbon finance to enable it to take place. See FAQ on ‘What is additionality?’ above.
Table 2. Eligibility criteria for the Peatland Code v2.0 (2023), adapted from the report Mobilising Private Investment in Natural Capital, 2023, p18.

Assessment UnitArea (ha)Pre-Restoration (Baseline) Condition CategoryPost-Restoration Condition Category
AU15.49Actively Eroding: Flat BareDrained: Re-vegetated AE
AU27.26Actively Eroding: Hagg/GullyDrained: Re-vegetated AE
AU3107.14Drained: Hagg/GullyModified
Table 3. The accepted Peatland Code Emissions Calculator for Achnacarry Estate, Phase 1, copied from the public UK Land Carbon Registry database. This table shows that the accepted project design, for a timescale of 100 years, agrees to maintain peatland areas within a ‘drained’ or ‘modified’ state rather than incentivising further restoration toward a ‘near-natural’ condition.